a soft spot in the city

Year: 2017

Exhibition: BA Graduation - Outdoor Textile Installation

Outdoor light installation by Ida Blichfeld and Mimi Ravn. BA project at KADK, a soft spot in the city. A site-specific textile installation at Copenhagen seafront.
Light and textile installation on the seaside of Copenhagen, Ofelia plads. Two people absorb by the colours of the light and textiles, meeting between the materiality to have a interhuman moment. The light is showing the way in the night.
Light and textile installation by Ida Blichfeld and Mimi Ravn on the seaside of Copenhagen. One person absorb by the colours of the light and textiles, meeting between the materiality with surrounding nature. In the blue hour. KADK BA project.

A Soft Spot in the City is an experimental project, which focuses on exploring how to create a textile experience for humans in a public space where interpersonal meetings are possible. Based on relational aesthetics theory by Nicolas Bourriaud and Juhani Pallasmaa on sensory experiences, we created diffuse spaces that follow nature and human movements - there are never two moments that are alike. 

Made in collaboration with lighting designer Mimi Ravn, as a part of our bachelor's graduation project at Royal Danish Academy.

Light and textile installation by Ida Blichfeld and Mimi Ravn on the seaside of Copenhagen. Two people absorbed by the colours of the textiles and surrounding nature of water and sun, meeting between the materiality. KADK BA project.